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NIEメディア研究部 お知らせを更新いたしました。



Think of the Future/Paul Robinson

Are you busy every day doing homework and studying for your next exam? If so, then you must be a student. But besides completing your school homework and preparing for your next test, what are your other short and long term goals in life? What would you like to be doing five or ten years from now? If you haven't any idea, then you are just living from day to day. Perhaps it is time for you, then, to sit down and develop a road map of where you want your life to be five, ten, or even twenty years down the road and how you plan to get there.

Recently, a student told me that his aim was to become rich. This is most definitely a long term goal. However, what he didn't tell is what he plans to do to reach this goal which he has set for himself. He has not yet put enough thought into what he needs to do to reach his final goal of becoming wealthy. So what ought he do?

First, he needs to break his long-term goal of becoming rich down into short-term realistic, manageable steps. One way to do this would be to make a life flow chart based on yes/ no questions. For example, do I want to go to university? If yes, what university do I wish to attend and what do I wish to major in? If no, what skill or skills do I wish to learn? After I graduate, do I wish to work for a company? If yes, what company do I wish to work for? If no, what kind of business do I wish to start? Of course all of the answers to the questions can and should be broken down into even smaller and more manageable parts.

Second, the short-term plans that he makes should be flexible.  The road of life has many bumps, and he needs to expect that things do not always go according to plan. As such, he should be aware that it is sometimes necessary to take a detour.

Third, he needs to be passionate about his goals. Without passion there is no effort exerted, and without effort there is little chance of the goals he has set ever being reached.

Finally, he needs to become knowledgeable about how others have both made and lost their fortunes. He can find many books written on this, but I would like to recommend the following:

A Raindrop in the Ocean by Michael Dobbs-Higginson, The Templeton Plan by John Marks Templeton, Samuel Walton by Samuel Walton and John Huey, The Millionaire Next Door, and The House of Mondavi by Julia Flynn Siller. The last book mentioned will explain in great detail about how a fortune, besides being made, can also disappear.

In conclusion, there is a saying that says if you aim at nothing you will hit nothing every time. Thus, it is necessary for people, both young and old alike, to find a target, aim well, and let the arrow fly. Good luck to all. May you all hit the target that you are aiming at.

乾 将崇 日本語訳
I 本文






最後に、他者の運がどのように作られたり失われたりするかについて精通していなければなりません。この運の生滅について書かれた本を見つけることもできるでしょうが、しかし、私はここで以下の本をお勧めしたいと思います。ミッシェル ドッブス ヒギントンの『大海の中の一滴(A Raindrop in the Ocean)』2017年、ジョン マーク テンプレトンの『神の意向(The Templeton Plan)』1992年、サムウォルトンとジョン ヒューの『サム ウォルトン(Samuel Walton)』1992年、ジュリア フリン セイラーの『隣の億万長者(The Millionaire Next Door)』1996年、また[同じ著者の]
『モンダヴィの家(The House of Mondavi)』2007年です。最後に紹介して本は運というものがどんなものかや、作られたものが消滅することについても、かなり詳細に説明してくれるでしょう。


ポール ロビンソン
I 備考

ー最後のことわざは、If you aim at nothing, you will hit nothing every time.という文が原文である。

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